A Cascade group allows you to establish a call order among the group’s users for incoming calls. You can decide which of your collaborators is called first and which last.
We’ll show you how:
Step 1:
Log into the Control Panel as Administrator.
Step 2:
Once inside the control panel, go to the left column, click on Team, select Groups and then click on the "+" button on the right.
Now click on Group.
Step 3:
A new window will open:
Give a name to the group, select an extension and then select the type of the group between "Standard, Cascade, Queue". Select now Cascade.
The new Cascade group has been created!
Step 4:
To add or remove an extension in your group:
Go to the Team section and select Groups. Now select the group in which you want to add or remove the extensions.
Now click on Edit users.
A new window it will open in which you can select the users that you want to add in your group. To remove them, just unselect the check mark from the user.
If you want to create a standard group instead, click here.
Once the Cascade group has been created, all you have to do is enter the Rules page of your Voxloud phone system, select the rule for which you want to enable the group and select the cascade group previously created. In addition, you can also choose the ring time for each user.