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Integration with Make

Find out how to easily integrate Voxloud with the over +1,000 apps in Make.

Francesco Pastoressa avatar
Written by Francesco Pastoressa
Updated over 8 months ago

Connect Voxloud with hundreds of other apps with Make

Make allows you to connect Voxloud with over +1,000 web applications. Automated connections called modules set up in minutes with no line of code and can automate your daily tasks and create workflows between different apps that wouldn't normally be connected.

Start using Make right away

Register with a free Make account, from which you can create your scenarios immediately. To help you get started right away with the potential of Make, here you can find the most popular Make and Voxloud templates pre-set for you.

How to connect an app to Make?

1 - Login in your Make account or create a new one.

2 - In the control panel, go on the top right and click on "Create a new scenario"

3 - Select Voxloud

4 - Now choose the action that will start the sequence

5 - Insert as hook the Voxloud API key and click on "Save"

6 - Choose the next actions of the sequence and create your scenario

Where to find the Voxloud API key?

  • Log into your Voxloud Control Panel

  • Click on "Integrations" from the menu on the left

  • Select the "API key" card

  • Click on "Buy Now"

  • Copy the API key that was generated

Now paste the API key in the first step of creating the new scenario (see step 5 "How to connect an app in Make").

If all steps are done correctly, your Voxloud account will be successfully connected to Make.

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