Exploit the full potential of Voxloud with this native integration with Funnelix's CRM.
On this page you can find out everything you can do with this integration.
How to activate the integration
Log into your Voxloud Control Panel. You can access it from this link.
Now go to the "Shop" and select the "Integrations" box.
Click on "Purchase".
Now click on "Integrations" in the left menu.
Select the Funnelix integration and click on "Integrate Funnelix".
Now authorize Funnelix, adding the connection between Voxloud and Funnelix. Click on "Add Funnelix Connection".
Choose the connection name ("Funnelix") and click "Create".
Authorize the connection between Voxloud and Funnelix by clicking on "Start flow".
Now a login window will open. Here select your Funnelix account.
Click on the account, then in Voxloud integration process click on "Save" to continue.
You can now close the connection authorization window by clicking on the "X" at the top right.
Now proceed by clicking on "Next".
In this step, check the "Create contacts in Funnelix" box if you want a new contact to be created in Funnelix when you receive a call from a new number not yet present in the Funnelix address book. Then click "Next" to proceed.
In the next window, you can select the assigned users of Funnelix that can send the Voxloud calls to Funnelix. Then, click on "Next".
Now the integration is complete! You can close the window by clicking on the "X" at the top right.