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Integration with AlfaDocs

Easily integrate Voxloud with AlfaDocs with this step by step guide

Francesco Pastoressa avatar
Written by Francesco Pastoressa
Updated over a month ago

Exploit the full potential of Voxloud with this native integration with AlfaDocs's CRM.

On this page you can find out everything you can do with this integration.

How to activate the integration

Log into your Voxloud Control Panel. You can access it from this link.

Now go to the "Shop" and select the "Integrations" box.

Click on "Purchase".

Now click on "Integrations" in the left menu.

Select the AlfaDocs integration and click on "Integrate AlfaDocs".

Now you need yo authorize the connection between Voxloud and AlfaDocs. To do so, click on "Add AlfaDocs connection" and then click on "Next".

In this step, you need to insert the API key of AlfaDocs. You will need to generate and copy it from the AlfaDocs's control panel.

Now, go into your AlfaDocs control panel and in the main menu select "Settings", and then "Studio".

Now go to "Chiavi".

Here click on "AGGIUNGI CHIAVE" to generate the API key.

Click con "SรŒ, CONTINUA" to continue and create the API key.

Now the AlfaDocs API key has been generated: you can copy it and close the window.

Return back to the Voxloud integration configuration and paste the API key in the "API key" field. If needed, click on "Validate API key".

Then click on "Create" to proceed.

To authorize the connection between Voxloud and AlfaDocs, click on "Next".

Now the integration is complete! You can close the window by clicking on the "X" at the top right.

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